Sunday, January 4, 2009

Greening a Life by Greening a Home

Going green is only a thought until it takes root. This blog is to confirm that even with overwhelming barriers, green growth is possible, and can be very beautiful, too!

I am currently remodeling a Keck and Keck mid-century modern home, and in keeping with the architect's respect for the natural environment, have elected to complete the project as "green" as possible. There has been much planning, many hurdles, moments of desperation and yet
a renewed sense of confidence that sustainability is
the right choice.

Going green takes thought, hope, determination and 
a whole lot of patience. But it's worth the effort...and you don't have to do it alone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carole
    Thanks so much for your positive feedback on our work. Your support keeps us going!
